3 June 2020
The 2020 Good Governance Awards for the Annual Report and Governance Improvement Initiative are now open for entries.
The Good Governance Awards (GGA) is an initiative that recognises and encourages adherence to good governance practice by nonprofit organisations in Ireland.
In 2020, there will be two award types and six entry categories for each award type.
Award Type (organisations may enter for either award type or for both):
- Annual Reports Award
The Good Governance Award seek to acknowledge, encourage and promote good governance practice primarily in the area of annual reports.
- Best Governance Improvement Initiative Award
This award will recognise initiatives that have been taken in the last 12-18 months to improve the quality of the nonprofit’s governance. Nonprofits can submit their good governance initiatives, setting out (briefly – max 750 words) the governance issue(s) they addressed, the actions they took and the impact that this has had for the organisation.
Entry Categories:
Category 1; for volunteer only and organisations with an annual turnover of less than €50,000
Category 2; for volunteer only and organisations with an annual turnover of between €50,000 and €250,000
Category 3; for organisations with an annual turnover of between €250,000 and €1 million
Category 4: for organisations with an annual turnover of between €1 million and €5 million
Category 5: for organisations with an annual turnover of between €5 million and €15 million
Category 6; for organisations with an annual turnover of over €15 million.
Entry Criteria:
- To enter, the organisation must be an Irish nonprofit organisation (i.e. it has a registered office in the Republic of Ireland).
- A nonprofit organisation must submit their entry to the GGA website and upload their corresponding documents by the closing date (midnight, Friday, 11th September 2020). The 2020 Good Governance Awards are open for submission from 2nd June 2020.
- Shortlisted listed organisations may be asked to supply additional information to assist the judges in their adjudications.
Four great reasons to enter this year:
- The GGA are open for non-profits of all sizes from the very small to the very large.
- Get your entries reviewed by a first class assessment and judging panel.
- Enhance your organisation’s reputation with your stakeholders.
- Boost your team’s morale and gain valuable PR opportunities.
See www.goodgovernanceawards.ie or contact info@carmichaelireland.ie for more information.