Training & Support

Carmichael Training & Support Services creates learning environments nationwide in which nonprofit organisations identify new ways to make the best use of their resources to become more effective and impactful at what they do. 

We recognise that each organisation is on its own unique journey and our combination of scheduled training, online learning, customised training, and guidance supports are developed to meet the specific needs of clients. 

With over 30 years training experience we have a deep understanding of the challenges and issues faced by the sector across Ireland. At a time of rapid change in the regulatory landscape, expectations for transparency, accountability, oversight and governance are higher than ever. 

We understand the importance of affordable and excellent supports and we provide extensive high quality training programmes covering essential areas such as governance, compliance, finance, human resource management, planning and communications. 

Our highly skilled team of expert trainers have a wealth of skills, knowledge, insights and on the ground experience. The participative approach they take gives our clients the chance to reflect on their own expertise as well as to learn from one another. 

Training and Supports are available through our: 

For further details or to discuss your individual requirements please contact

Also use the links on the top right corner of this page for more information on each of our Training & Support Services.

Additional Carmichael Supports

“The Scheme to Support National Organisations is funded by the Government of Ireland through the
Department of Rural and Community Development”