ADHD Ireland to Host Mental Health Webinar

10 November 2021

ADHD Ireland are to present a mental health webinar with Paul Gilligan, the CEO of St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services. The webinar will take place on November 25, and will be completely free to attend.

Although this webinar is being held by ADHD Ireland will be of interest to their community, it will of course be of interest to wider society given the broad and serious nature that mental health plays in modern Irish society.

Who is Paul Gilligan?

The speaker on the day is the aforementioned Paul Gilligan, B.A, M.A, DipClin Psych, RegPsychol, F.Ps.S.I. Paul is a Clinical Psychologist and Chief Executive of St Patrick’s Mental Health Services, the largest independent provider of mental healthcare in Ireland.

Impressively – if all of that isn’t impressive enough – he is an internationally recognised children’s rights and child protection advocate, provides consultancy services to a number of child protection organisations in Ireland and Europe and is a regular contributor to television, radio and print media.

More Impressive Details

He is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Trinity College Dublin. He is Chairman of Early Childhood Ireland and is a former Vice-Chairman of the National Children’s Advisory Council, a former President of the Psychological Society of Ireland and a former Chairman of the Children’s Rights Alliance.

It goes on – he was a member of the Government established Vision for Change Independent Monitoring Group and Garda Vetting Implementation Group. Before taking up his current post with St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services, he was Chief Executive of the ISPCC. He is the author of two parenting books “Keeping Your Child Safe” (2008) and “Raising Emotionally Healthy Children” (2015). Finally – he is a Fellow of the Psychological Society of Ireland.

Who are ADHD Ireland

Clearly, this is a webinar worth attending. Mental health has never been more in our collective psyche, and with this webinar, you will have more tools to understand the pressures of society and how to deal with them.

ADHD Ireland a resident Carmichael organisation. ADHD Ireland are a dedicated non-profit in Ireland that look to provide up-to-date information, resources and networking opportunities to individuals with ADHD, parents of children with ADHD and the professionals who serve them.

You can register for the free event here. To become a member of ADHD Ireland you can click here. Finally, if you wish to donate to ADHD Ireland you can click here.