Target Audience
Anyone that has no prior knowledge of Microsoft Excel and would like to learn it.
The Quick Start Excel course provided to Carmichael from Anne Walsh (The Excel Lady) is a one-hour course designed to give the learner a good foundation how to start using Microsoft Excel, an increasingly powerful tool in the workplace for day-to-day logging of data as well as production and maintenance of reports. Learning is further enhanced with simple quizzes and training exercises to help the participant to commit their learning to memory.
Course Structure
The course comprises ten topics, with short videos and takes approximately one hour to complete.
Introduction: Meet your trainer
Topic 1: First Things First – Know Your Keyboard
1.1 Identify these keys: Ctrl, Shift, Enter, Backspace, Delete
1.2 Know your F4 key and the Fn key
1.3 Get out of jail keys: Learn ESC and Undo.
1.4 Quiz on knowing your keyboard
Topic 2: Say Hello to Excel
2.1 Open Excel
2.2 Identify rows, columns and cell references
2.3 Try out the ribbon – notice the tool tips
2.4 Quiz on Say Hello to Excel
Topic 3: Working with your Files
3.1 How to save a file
3.2 How to open a file you have already saved
3.3 How to pin a file so you can access it again
3.4 How to save a file with a new name
3.5 Module 3 – Resources
Topic 4: Entering and Breaking
4.1 Practice entering numbers and undo – notice they are on the right
4.2 Practice entering text and undo – notice they are on the left
4.3 Practice entering dates and undo.
4.4 Module 4 – Practice
Topic 5: Know How to Use your Mouse
5.1 Copying down and across (black cross and white cross)
5.2 Help, I don’t have a cross
5.3 Module 5 – Practice
Topic 6: Copying and Formatting
6.1 Entering, copying and formatting a day/month
6.2 Entering, copying and formatting numbers
6.3 Entering, copying and formatting dates
6.4 Module 6 – Practice
Topic 7: Cut, Copy and Paste
7.1 Enter some text and move it by cutting and pasting – ribbon and keyboard
7.2 Enter some text and copy it by copy and paste – ribbon and keyboard
7.3 Enter some dates and experiment with moving/copying
7.4 Module 7 – Practice
Topic 8: Meet Some Formulas
8.0a How to download the file
8.0b Download this file first
8.1 Enter two numbers and add them together, then copy them down
8.2 Enter two numbers and subtract from each other, then copy them down
8.3 Enter two numbers and multiply them together, then copy them down
8.4 Enter two numbers and divide them, then copy them down
8.5 Fixing a Cell
8.6 Quiz on Formulas
Topic 9: Data Setup
9.0a How to download the file
9.0b Download this file first
9.1 Rules about data entry
9.2 How to set up a list
9.3 How to do a basic sort
9.4 How to do a basic filter and clear it
9.5 Module 9 – Resources
9.6 Quiz on data entry
Upon completion of the course, the participant can request a Certificate of Completion by emailing
Note: Once an e-Learning course is booked, participants will receive instructions on how to log on.
Learners from outside the Republic of Ireland are advised to contact before booking, in order to ensure proper access to the course.
Target Audience
Anyone needing a better understanding of how to plan a trading income strategy for their organisation.
Welcome to the Trading Income Strategy course. This course is designed for non-profit organisations who generate trading income. Such organisations may include community and voluntary groups who wish to generate additional income through charging for community supports and services; social impact organisations who are on a journey towards financial self-sustainability; and, social enterprises.
In this course, we will use a common and collective term to cover all organisations who currently or plan to generate trading income. The collective term we will use to describe all organisations is ‘social enterprises’.
Course Structure
Key topics covered during the course include:
- From Activities and Outputs to Outcomes and Impact
- Developing and Using a Theory of Change
- Business Models
- Funding Models
- ESG Impact Investing
- Scaling Opportunities
- Asset Utilisation Strategy
- Selecting a Viable Business Strategy
- Integrating Impact Management and Business Strategy
- Implementing Business Strategy and Achieving Social Impact
Upon successfully completing the course, participants may download a course Certificate of Completion.
Note: Once an e-Learning course is booked, it could take up to 48 hours for login details to be provided.
Additional Note: When booking, please make sure to input all the correct contact details onto the booking form as the information will be used to create learner profiles. Should information be entered incorrectly it could delay the booking process.
Learners from outside the Republic of Ireland are advised to contact before booking, in order to ensure proper access to the course.
Target Audience
Anyone needing a better understanding of how to conduct an internal analysis for a non-profit organisation.
Non-profit organisations play a pivotal role in the delivery of services and supports in Ireland. Beneficiaries can speak first hand of the positive impact these supports have on their lives. Non-profit organisations compete with a wide range of other companies and entities in a bid to generate trading income. The challenge in such instances is to generate financial returns without comprising social outcomes and impact.
This course is designed to explore the factors at play within a non-profit organisation that influence decisions concerning business strategy and the nature of social impact pursued.
Course Structure
The course has seven lessons and should take approximately 1 hour to complete.
The topics which are covered in this course:
- SWOT Analysis
- Drivers of Change
- Cost Analysis
- Review of Assets
- Assessing Capacity
- Leadership Priorities
- Succession Plans
Upon successfully completing the course, participants may download a course Certificate of Completion.
Note: Once an e-Learning course is booked, it could take up to 48 hours for login details to be provided.
Additional Note: When booking, please make sure to input all the correct contact details onto the booking form as the information will be used to create learner profiles. Should information be entered incorrectly it could delay the booking process.
Learners from outside the Republic of Ireland are advised to contact before booking, in order to ensure proper access to the course.
Target Audience
Anyone needing a better understanding of how to examine the external environment of a non-profit organisation for planning purposes.
Organisations play a pivotal role in the delivery of services and supports in Ireland. Beneficiaries can speak first hand of the positive impact these supports have on their lives.
Organisations compete with a wide range of other companies and organisations in a bid to generate trading income. The challenge in such instances is to generate financial returns without comprising social outcomes and impact.
This course is designed to explain how to analyse the external business environment in which an organisation operates.
Course Structure
The course has seven lessons and should take approximately 1 hour to complete.
The topics which are covered in this course:
- Environmental Analysis – PESTEL
- Competitor Analysis
- Market Analysis
- Municipal Authority Plans
- Government Policy
- EU Policy initiatives
- Funder Priorities
Upon successfully completing the course, participants may download a course Certificate of Completion.
Note: Once an e-Learning course is booked, it could take up to 48 hours for login details to be provided.
Additional Note: When booking, please make sure to input all the correct contact details onto the booking form as the information will be used to create learner profiles. Should information be entered incorrectly it could delay the booking process.
Learners from outside the Republic of Ireland are advised to contact before booking, in order to ensure proper access to the course.
Target Audience
Are you a Board member / Senior Executive Officer of a voluntary or community group? Do you need to develop or enhance your understanding of Outputs & Outcomes?
This course can be accessed for up to 90 days after purchase.
Learn to understand the terminology, aims and objectives relating to outputs and outcomes.
Jargon Buster
- Stakeholder Needs
- Planning
- Action
- Monitoring
- Evaluation
- Results
Build a Planning Triangle
- Planning & Monitoring Performance
- Benefits of focusing on outcomes
- Outcomes in organisations
- Outcome indicators
- Measuring your progress
Understanding Monitoring and Evaluation
- Improving work with individuals
- Improving communication with current funders
- Motivating staff and clients
- Fundraising
- Reviewing resource allocation
- Planning services
- Identifying gaps
- Reducing negative outcomes
Using the Results
- Talking about results
- Reporting on your results
- Review
Note: Once an e-Learning course is booked, it could take up to 48 hours for login details to be provided.
Additional Note: When booking, please make sure to input all the correct contact details onto the booking form as the information will be used to create learner profiles. Should information be entered incorrectly it could delay the booking process.
Learners from outside the Republic of Ireland are advised to contact before booking, in order to ensure proper access to the course.