16 January 2023
Improving Your Nonprofit’s Annual Report February 9th 2023 13.10-14.00
Carmichael is delighted to provide free training webinars on relevant themes for nonprofits. In this webinar nonprofits of all sizes will gain tips and advice from an expert panel on how to improve the content and narrative of their Annual Report.
Sign up for webinar here:https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/lunch-learn-improving-your-nonprofits-annual-report-tickets-513824311347
The panel-led session draws on the experience and knowledge of judges and assessors from the Good Governance Awards. They will outline what is required to ensure that your Annual Report is relevant, impactful and engaging.
The panel consists of:
Aedín Morkan: Partner, Audit & Assurance, Mazars
Níall Fitzgerald: Head of Ethics & Governance, Chartered Accountants Ireland
Geraldine O’Sullivan: Manager, Kerry Volunteer Centre
Andrew Madden: Learning & Development Manager, Carmichael
The panel will be chaired by Diarmaid Ó Corrbuí, CEO of Carmichael and Founder of the Good Governance Awards.