16 August 2022
Carmichael is delighted to announce a partnership with Ecclesiastical Insurance to provide a series of free training webinars on the theme of enterprise-wide risk management for nonprofits. Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/sNvTmKQAnX
Risk Identification & Horizon Scanning, Sept 7 12pm-1pm
Identifying and managing the possible risks that a charity may face is a key part of effective governance. This webinar will examine multiple risk identification tools and techniques including; Bowtie, SWOT, PESTLE and Horizon Scanning.
Risk Analysis, Prioritisation and Mitigation, Sept 30 12pm-1pm
This webinar will apply a tried and tested Enterprise Risk Management process to; analysis the potential root causes and consequences, assess and prioritise and understand appropriate risk mitigation strategies in relation to the ever, evolving charity riskscape.
Risk Culture Oct 19, 12pm-1pm
Having a strong risk culture will support charities in managing risks effectively. This webinar will explore what can influence and determine a strong risk culture and the benefits and challenges a charity may face during implementation and embedding and how to overcome these.
Reputational Risk, Nov 2 12pm-1pm
Protecting and improving a charities reputation is of great importance, this webinar will set out to provide an understanding of Reputational Risk versus Reputational Risk Management and focus on building resilience through risk management, business continuity planning and crisis response plans.
Introduction to Business Continuity Management, Nov 30 12pm-1pm
This webinar will explore the importance and benefits of Business Continuity Management, roles and responsibilities and introduce the various stages of an effective Business Continuity Management Programme.
Business Continuity Management – Undertaking A Business Impact Analysis, Jan 18 12pm-1pm
The webinar will primarily set out to demonstrate how to successfully undertake a Business Impact Analysis in order to understand a charities Critical Services to respond effectively in the event of a material disruption.
Building A Resilient Business Continuity Management Plan, Feb 1 12pm-1pm
This webinar will help charities to prepare for a rapid response and coordinated recovery in the face of a material disruption, examining a template and contents of a tried and tested effective Business Continuity Management Plan.
Partnerships, Mergers & Due Diligence, Feb 22 12pm-1pm
Collaborating with other charities and organisations can bring material benefits to both parties and importantly to beneficiaries. This webinar will include exploration of tool, techniques and top tips to undertake due diligence activity effectively.
This programme is being delivered in partnership with Ecclesiastical.