Next round of the Carmichael Mentor Programme is now open for applications

26 August 2019

To date 84 CEOs and managers of nonprofit organisations have benefited from the Carmichael Mentoring Programme. We are now launching the next round of the mentoring scheme.

Being the leader of an organisation can be tough anywhere but it is especially true in the nonprofit sector. The value of a mentor is having someone who can ask questions that clarify the situation and can help relieve the anxiety that builds when there is nowhere to articulate the doubts and concerns that the CEO may feel.

The purpose of the Carmichael Mentor scheme is to help meet with this need by using our panel of very experienced mentors who bring a range of skills, insights and backgrounds in a range of sector such as large corporate, SME, public sector and the nonprofit sector. Our mentors are volunteers and will provide confidential one-to-one advice and guidance.

This mentoring round is limited to 8 places and the service for successful applicants is free. If you wish to apply, please complete the short application form and submit to

Carmichael would also love to hear from people who may be interested in becoming a mentor for this programme.

For more information on the programme, please contact

The closing date for applications is 5pm, Friday, 20th September.

The programme is only available to those working in the nonprofit sector.