18 January 2021
Smashing Times are delighted to host two online workshops later this month, a perfect remedy for what can otherwise be a tough time for many.
On January 21 there will be an online workshop focusing on health and well-being, which will be completely free. Then on January 23 there will be an online workshop which looks at the marker of 99 years since the formation of the Irish state. Taking into account progress made, the workshop will delve into the inequalities which remain within society today. This course will cost €15, or €5 for a concession.
The January 21 course will be a great opportunity to ‘learn new skills’, according to Smashing Times. They say it will focus primarily on general theater games which are a great avenue to meet new people, improve language skills, and so much more.
This will be a two hour course held over zoom and no experience is necessary. For more information and to register for the event simply head over to their site here. On January 23 there will be a two hour course which delves deep into history, but always looking for a modern perspective.
As arbiters of equality for Irish society, Smashing Times will examine the formation of the Republic of Ireland from the key focus of equality; where it has been gained, and in some cases, not. Partnering with Dublin Castle, Heritage Services of the Office of Public Works for the event, there will be fun theater games will be used to help illustrate to people themes of equality of diversity.
Smashing Times would like to note that although there is a few for this event (€15/€5) exceptions can be made for those who cannot meet ticket cost. For information they should contact Niamh at info@smashingtimes.ie.
Smashing Times are a resident Carmichael organisation. A theater company which focuses on promoting diversity within Ireland, their work bands the world together in the most positive sense. You can keep up date with all their work here.
Finally, you can follow their social media accounts too; their Facebook here, and their Twitter here.