Target Audience
This course is designed with the needs of social enterprises and growing non-profits in mind. It provides a practical hands-on approach to human resource management for directors, senior managers and supervisors who do not have a background in human resources management.
Course Overview
If your non-profit organisation employs staff, then be aware of the issues that can cause problems in the employer/employee relationship. Hire appropriately, manage fairly and motivate effectively if you wish to retain productive employees. All of this should happen within a human resources framework that adheres to all aspects of employment law, data protection and health and safety legislation. This course comes with a large amount of practical resources and templates which can be accessed for 12 months after purchase.
Course Structure
The course is divided into 7 component parts and takes approx. 6 hours to complete. Topics are self-contained to facilitate micro-learning for the time conscious participant
Lesson 1: Employing staff – Adhering to Legal Obligations
This lesson focuses on some of the practical considerations that must be addressed to ensure that an organisation complies with its obligations under Irish employment legislation. Three core topics are covered in this lesson.
Topic 1: Employment Law
Topic 2: Health and Safety
Topic 3: Data Protection
Lesson 2: Working with Suppliers
Most non-profits need to work with suppliers and contractors to get their products and services to market, or to help them to meet their reporting obligations. This course addresses the subject from the perspective of how to source suppliers and manage relationships.
Topic 4: Sourcing Suppliers and Contractors
Topic 5: Managing Supplier and Agency Relationships
Lesson 3: Recruiting Employees
The employee recruitment process is explored in lesson 3 and introduces participants to the many factors that impact the sourcing and recruiting of competent and motivated employees. Seven core topics comprise the lesson.
Topic 6: Human resources planning: staffing levels and business objectives
Topic 7: Setting terms and conditions of employment
Topic 8: Creating Job profiles
Topic 9: Sourcing employees
Topic 10: Screening and interviewing potential employees
Topic 11: Selection and reference checks
Topic 12: Staff induction and initial training
Topic 13: Community Employment Schemes
Topic 14: Hosting Work Placements
Lesson 4: Maintaining Employment Records
General data protection regulation aside, a non-profit is legally obliged to retain certain employment records for the people employed in the organisation. The lesson explores this important requirement from the perspective of setting up and retaining employment records.
Topic 15: Setting up staff files
Topic 16: Retaining employment records
Lesson 5: Managing and Motivating Employees
Managing and motivating employees is at the heart of human resource management. There are a multitude of factors that can affect staff motivation as reflected in the eight core topics that comprise the course.
Topic 17: Theories of motivation
Topic 18: Managing teams
Topic 19: Reward System
Topic 20: Setting performance standards
Topic 21: Managing performance
Topic 22: Recognising good performance
Topic 23: Handling grievances
Topic 24: Identifying staff training and development needs
Lesson 6: Developing Employment Policies
A social enterprise or non-profit demonstrates its commitment to adhering to employment legislation through the range of policies it adopts. Policies relating to the management of employees are typically contained in an employee or company handbook.
Topic 25: Identifying policy requirements
Topic 26: Setting internal controls
Topic 27: Developing an employee handbook
Lesson 7: Human Resources Templates
In this final lesson, we provide a fast and easy-to-access list of all the templates and practical resources covered during lesson topics. Upon completion of the course, the lesson page can be accessed time and again to access and download practical ready to use forms and policy documents.
Note: Once an e-Learning course is booked, it could take up to 48 hours for login details to be provided.
NOTE: When booking, please make sure to input all the correct contact details into the booking form as the information will be used to create learner profiles. Should information be entered incorrectly it could delay the booking process.
€90 | Nonprofit Organisation |
€90 | Carmichael Resident Organisation |
€90 | Statutory Organisation |
€90 | Corporate Organisation |