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Marketing and Sales for Non-Profits (eLearning)

Course Overview

Marketing activity is essential in every non-profit organisation. It helps organisations to reach out to donors to ask for fundraising support. It helps organisations to communicate the good work carried out by staff and volunteers to a wider public, the local community and funders. It helps beneficiaries and service users to identify the non-profit organisations that can best support them.

In this course, we set out the marketing activities of most relevance to non-profit organisations. We pay particular attention to how marketing may be used to help organisations generate trading income and/or implement their organisational purpose i.e. mission. This course can be accessed for 12 months after purchase.

Target Audience

This course offers a practical insight into marketing and sales planning and is aimed at directors, senior managers and supervisors who do not have a professional background in marketing management.


Course Structure

The course is divided into 10 component parts and takes approximately 6.5 hours to complete. Participants should allow time to review the practical templates provided throughout the course. Topics are self-contained to facilitate micro-learning for the time conscious participant.

Lesson 1: Purpose

This lesson explains the purpose of marketing and introduces participants to key marketing concepts.

Topic 1: What is Marketing?

Topic 2: Defining the Marketplace

Topic 3: Identifying Competitors and Customer Groups

Lesson 2: Identifying Opportunities

This lesson will be of special interest to any social enterprise or non-profit organisation that wishes to identify opportunities to grow trading income.

Topic 4: Market Segmentation

Topic 5: Identifying Gaps in the Market

Topic 6: Market Research

Topic 7: Generating Business Ideas

Lesson 3: Products, Pricing and Distribution

The lesson explores some of the elements of the Marketing Mix i.e. tactics to help an organisation achieve its marketing objectives.

Topic 8: Product Decisions

Topic 9: Services Decisions

Topic 10: Setting Prices

Topic 11: Distribution Channels

Lesson 4: Promotion

There is a host of promotional tools that can be used by organisations to help them to communicate and engage with their communities, beneficiaries and clients.

Topic 12: Promotional Methods

Topic 13: Focus on Networking

Topic 14: Focus on PR and Event Planning

Lesson 5: Digital Marketing

Another form of promotion, digital marketing, helps organisations large and small to cost effectively share their marketing messages with a much wider audience than would be possible using traditional methods.

Topic 15: Inbound and Outbound Marketing

Topic 16: Online Advertising

Topic 17: Social Media Marketing

Topic 18: Search Engine Optimisation

Lesson 6: Customer Service

Good customer service matters in every organisation! This lesson explores customer service in the context of organisations operating in the Non-Profit Sector.

Topic 19: Customer Service in Context

Topic 20: Principles of Customer Service

Topic 21: Features of Excellent Customer Service

Topic 22: Customer Charter

Topic 23: Handling Customer Complaints

Lesson 7: Sales Management

If you want to grow trading income in an organisation, then you must engage in sales activities at some stage!

Topic 24: The Salesperson

Topic 25: Selling Skills

Topic 26: The Selling Process

Lesson 8: Marketing Plans

This lesson brings together learning gained in previous topics and identifies the information that should appear in marketing plans.

Topic 27: Developing Marketing Plans

Topic 28: Branding

Lesson 9: Website Development

This special purpose lesson focuses on website development and will be helpful to course participants who want to design a website from scratch or refresh their existing online presence.

Topic 29: Content Purpose and SEO

Topic 30: Keywords and Headings

Topic 31: Visual and Audio

Topic 32: Lists and Links

Topic 33: Forms and Messages

Topic 34: Reviewing Content

Topic 35: Creating a Style Guide

Topic 36: Web page Layout and Grids

Topic 37: Keeping Content Up-to-date

Topic 38: Working with Web Developers

Lesson 10: Marketing and Sales Templates

In this final lesson, we provide a fast and easy-to-access list of all the templates covered during lesson topics.

Note: Once an e-Learning course is booked, it could take up to 48 hours for login details to be provided.

NOTE: When booking, please make sure to input all the correct contact details into the booking form as the information will be used to create learner profiles. Should information be entered incorrectly it could delay the booking process.


€90Nonprofit Organisation
€90Carmichael Resident Organisation
€90Statutory Organisation
€90Corporate Organisation

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