Good Governance Awards 2020 Announced

24 November 2020

Good Governance Awards 2020 Winners

Carmichael is delighted to announce the 2020 Good Governance Awards winners.

The Awards, now in its fifth year, recognises and encourages compliance and adherence to good governance best practice by nonprofits in Ireland. The Good Governance Awards seek to showcase how good governance and driving social change are effectively interlinked.  They also aim to promote awareness of effective governance principles and to encourage improvements in the standards of disclosure.  There are two main awards – Annual Report and Governance Improvement Initiative with six entry categories based on annual turnover.

The 2020 winners are:

(1) Annual Report Award


(2) Governance Improvement Initiative Award


The awards are organised by Carmichael in association with its partners: 2into3, Chartered Accountants Ireland, Davy Institutional Consulting, Department of Rural & Community Development, Mason Hayes & Curran, Mazars, The Chartered Governance Institute -ICSA, Boardmatch Ireland, Charities Institute Ireland, Community Foundation Ireland, Dóchas, Enclude, Pobal, Sport Ireland, The Wheel, and Volunteer Ireland.

Diarmaid Ó Corrbuí, CEO of Carmichael said “excellent governance is intrinsic to a successful organisation, its culture and its people.  The Awards are a real opportunity for nonprofits to showcase their transparency and accountability, by effectively communicating their performance, governance, culture and financials in their annual reports.  We also want to recognise the outstanding work taking place in the sector and help the sector build and sustain trust with the wider public. I would like to congratulate the award winners, those that were shortlisted and also to acknowledge all those organisations that entered this year’s competition for their demonstration of a commitment to enhance the practice of their governance.”

Carmichael is a leading provider of quality services, training and supports to nonprofits nationwide.  It is also home to 43 nonprofit resident member organisations, providing them with shared services and targeted supports to help them maximise their potential and the positive difference they make to Irish Society.